If you don’t have the data that you want to analyze in a spreadsheet yet, you’ll instead open Excel and click Blank workbook to open a new workbook. You can then enter your data and create a graph from it.

If you haven’t yet created a graph from your data, create one before continuing.

Linear Exponential Linear Forecast Two Period Moving Average You can also click More Options. . . to bring up an advanced options panel after selecting data to analyze.

If you clicked More Options. . . earlier, you’ll have the option of naming your trendline or changing the trendline’s persuasion on the right side of the window.

If you don’t have the data that you want to analyze in your spreadsheet, you’ll instead open Excel to create a new workbook. You can then enter your data and create a graph from it.

If you haven’t yet created a graph from your data, create one before continuing.

Linear Exponential Linear Forecast Moving Average You can also click More Trendline Options to bring up a window with advanced options (e. g. , trendline name).