As soon as your feet hit the ground, count the step as step one of a four-count step. Bounce, wobble or shake your booty for the remaining beats of the four-count.
As soon as your feet hit the ground, count the step as step one of your next four-count step. Again, bounce, groove or shake your hips for the remaining counts.
Your torso should be slightly twisted, as well, so that you are facing the left. Lean back with your torso just a bit to the right. Wobble to your right side by leaning toward that side and swaying your hips and shoulders. Do this for a four-count beat.
Your torso should be slightly twisted, as well, so that you are facing the right. Lean back with your torso just a bit to the left. Wobble to your left side by leaning that direction and swaying your hips and shoulders. Continue for a four-count beat.
On beat one, step forward one pace with your right leg. On beat two, step forward one pace with your left leg, bringing it together with your right leg again. On beat three, step back one pace with you right leg, returning it to its original position. Finish up with beat four by stepping back one pace with your left leg, returning it to its original position and bringing it together with the right leg again.
The turning should be natural, so you will need to turn to the beat and turn without taking deliberate steps. Keep the swaying or wobbling the focus of this part, rather than the actions of your feet.
Jump forward and groove to the beat. Jump backward and groove to the beat. Twist and wobble to the right. Twist and wobble to the left. Do your steps. Sway from side to side as you glide to your left. At this point, you will be facing a full 180 degrees from your original position. Continue wobbling until you make a full rotation or until the song ends.
Your arms should also cross in front of each other as you wobble your hips. Keep your arms crossing to the beat, as well.
Think of a waving flag. Try to mimic the way the flag waves, wiggles, and wobbles in the breeze using your torso.
The hand roll is not the only move you could use, though. You could also point side to side, wave your arms, or do whatever else feels natural with your own personal groove. This part of the wobble is usually just improvised.
As before, keep your body loose and your hips swaying as you step to avoid losing the fun and losing the rhythm as you step. Your arms should also sway or swing loosely. On beat one of the four-count beat, step forward one pace with your right leg. On beat two of the four-count beat, step forward one pace with your left leg, bringing it together with your right leg. Between beats three and four of the four-count beat, do a cha-cha step. Essentially, you will rapidly step back with your right foot, left foot, and right foot again, taking three steps in two beats. Make sure to sway your hips a bit more during this cha-cha step to emphasize it.
On beat one of the four-count beat, step forward one pace with your right leg. On beat two of the four-count beat, step backward one pace with your left leg, bringing it further apart from your right leg. Between beats three and four of the four-count beat, you will do a cha-cha step. Rapidly step in place with your right foot, left foot, and right foot again, taking three steps in two beats. These steps will not change the ending position of your feet, however. You should also make sure to sway your hips a bit more during this cha-cha step to emphasize it.