For example, while you’re dancing, you might move one of your arms to a new position, stop, and then move your other arm.

For example, after moving your arm to a new position, wobble back and forth a few times for dramatic effect.

Pivoting instead of taking steps will help you look more like a robot. With practice, no one will be able to tell you’re lifting your toes or heels to turn.

By keeping your arms straight or at a 90-degree angle while you’re dancing, they’ll look like they’re moving on hinges.

Practice slowly at first. Then, as you get better, work on ticking at a faster pace.

Ticking while you do the wave will make it look more robotic. You’re just breaking down each part of the move—like bending your wrists, bending your arms, and moving your shoulders up and down—and pausing for a second after each part to create the ticking effect.

For a more dramatic effect, swing one of your arms back behind you and pretend to push an invisible pole into the back of your knee. At the same time, bend both of your knees. It will look like you’re bending your knees with the pole. When you’re ready to stand up again, straighten your legs using a slow, controlled motion.

It might take a few tries to find your balance since you’ll be standing on one leg.