Try to touch your big toes together to ensure you’re in the right position.

Keep your spine straight, but avoid getting tense or rigid while you’re doing this stretch. To make sure your spine is straight, draw your pelvic bone back, open the upper chest and place your attention on the top of the head.

The space between your eyebrows is your “third eye” and will help you feel more balanced and open. [4] X Research source

Try to fill up your lungs completely with your breath so you feel the most relaxed.

Don’t vocalize or hum as you exhale. The only sound you should hear is your breath. This part of the exercise helps clear your throat so you have a fuller and more expressive voice.

Repeat the exercise 2 more times to round out your routine.

This also helps give your hips additional support during the exercise.

Try to tilt your hips forward more in this position so you get the most out of the stretch.

The lotus position works great for stretching your hips, ankles, and knees. [11] X Research source

Cow pose helps with lower back pain and increases your flexibility.