Make a list of this person’s best qualities. Read about obstacles they have overcome. Brainstorm ways for you to emulate these qualities. Use their stories to inspire you to overcome your own obstacles.

Grab a notebook, a pen, and a timer. Set the timer for five minutes and write without stopping. Begin with the phrase, “I am . . . ” Reset the timer and begin again with the phrase, “I want . . . ” Use these lists to give you a greater sense of who you are and what you want. Repeat key phrases from your lists as mantras (such as “I am a good person” or “I want a good life”) each day to help cultivate self-trust.

Grab a notebook, a pen, and a timer. Set the timer for five minutes and write without stopping. Begin with the phrase, “I am . . . ” Reset the timer and begin again with the phrase, “I want . . . ” Use these lists to give you a greater sense of who you are and what you want. Repeat key phrases from your lists as mantras (such as “I am a good person” or “I want a good life”) each day to help cultivate self-trust.

Let these kinds of comments be proof that you are truly striving for something big and important! Try your best not to take it personally. People tend to nay say things they cannot do themselves or do not understand.

Imagine your ideal future. What does it look like? Imagine your happiest self. What is making you happy? Envision great success for yourself. What does this success consist of?

Choose an actionable, concrete goal that you can put into a sentence. Then break that goal into smaller sub-goals. For instance, you might want to scale Mt. Everest, lose 100 lbs. , or buy a house. For these goals, sub-goals might include: raising (or saving) money, finding a personal trainer, or applying for a mortgage. For a big goal, you will probably have at least five sub-goals. Set deadlines for each of your sub-goals.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bounded

If a major obstacle is money, brainstorm ways for you to save a little bit at a time, or perhaps to make some more money on the side. If a major obstacle is time, brainstorm ways to carve out some free moments. Maybe you could rearrange your work hours, wake up earlier, or spend less time on the internet. If a major obstacle is fear (such as a fear of heights), brainstorm ways that you could overcome your fear slowly. You might begin by standing on a ladder or climbing a hill. If your fear is intense, you may want to consult a therapist for guidance.

Pencil this time down in your schedule, just like you would with work or school. Do not let other obligations interfere with this time.

Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated by highlighting how far you’ve come. Tracking your progress can also help you stay accountable.

Positive reinforcement: This involves rewarding yourself for a job well done. For instance, you might treat yourself to something (like a dessert or a new pair of jeans) you want for achieving a specific sub-goal. Negative reinforcement: This involves taking something away. For instance, you might deny yourself TV over the weekend if you fail you fail to meet your goals that week.