Card 1: Who am I right now? Card 2: Am I on the right path? Card 3: What’s the main obstacle standing in my way? Card 4: What circumstances are in my favor and helping me out? Card 5: How can I make progress and move forward in my life?

Pile 1 (Yes): Your fortune is about to change. Pile 2 (Maybe): Your fortune might change. Pile 3 (No): Your fortune is unlikely to change.

Card 1: Who am I now? Card 2: What is blocking my way to success? Card 3: How can I overcome these blocks? Card 4: What new energy should I invite into my life? Card 5: What’s the first step I should take to invite in that new energy? Card 6: What’s the second step I should take to welcome in new energy? Card 7: What does my “best self” look like?

Card 1: Why is my heart closed? Card 2: How can I open my heart? Card 3: How can I see the world through the lens of love? Card 4: What will I see as a result of this?

Card 1: What am I feeling right now? Card 2: How do I see my love interest? Cards 3 & 4: How do they feel about me? Card 5: Why do they feel that way about me? Card 6: What should I do with this knowledge?

Card 1: How can I improve our relationship? Card 2: What were we like when we first met? Card 3: What attracts us to each other? Card 4: What is the current state of the relationship? Card 5: What are the strengths of our relationship? Card 6: What are the weaknesses of our relationship? Card 7: What can I keep in mind about my partner’s needs? Card 8: What should my partner keep in mind about my needs? Card 9: What’s the best way to improve upon our relationship?

Card 1: Archangel Michael, what is my life purpose? Card 2: Archangel Raphael, how can I heal myself? Card 3: Archangel Uriel, how can I take action to improve my life? Card 4: Archangel Gabriel, how can I fully express myself? Card 5: Archangel Azrael, what do I need to let go of? Card 6: Archangel Ariel, how can I improve my finances or career prospects? Card 7: Archangels, how do you see me?

Card 1: What’s a way to describe my soul’s energy? Card 2: What’s my higher purpose? Card 3: What special gift do I bring to this world? Card 4: How can I put this gift to use? Card 5: What will I attain once I’m aligned with my soul’s purpose?

Card 1: Who was I in my past life? Card 2: Who could I become in this lifetime? Card 3: What’s been hidden about me? What do I ignore about myself? Card 4: What is my inner truth? Card 5: How can I thrive in this lifetime? Card 6: How can I serve others in this lifetime?

Card 1: How is my body feeling today? Card 2: What does my body need right now? Card 3: What is something I need to take more seriously about my body? Card 4: What is something my body is trying to tell me? Card 5: How can I improve how I take care of my body? Card 6: How can I be better attuned to my body? Card 7: How can I show gratitude to my body?

Card 1: How do I see myself right now? Card 2: What does my body need to feel healthy and nourished? Card 3: What does my heart need to give and receive love? Card 4: What does my mind need so I can stay focused and productive? Card 5: What does my soul need to connect to my inner truth and purpose?

Card 1: How has this trauma impacted my life? Card 2: What emotions do I carry because of this trauma? Card 3: How does this trauma affect my relationships with others? Card 4: How does this trauma affect the way I see myself? Card 5: What do I need to do to release this trauma? Card 6: What lesson can I learn from my past experience? Card 7: How can I begin to move past this experience? Card 8: How will my life change when I finally release my trauma? Card 9: Who will I become when I let go of my trauma?

Card 1: How am I really doing right now? Card 2: What am I amazing at? Card 3: What is my purpose right now? Card 4: What is getting in my way? Card 5: How can I love myself so I have the energy to fulfill my purpose?

Cards 1-12: A pearl of wisdom for every month. Card 13: Guidance for the next 12 months.

Card 1: What am I like right now? Card 2: What is my future self like? Card 3: What’s my current situation? Am I struggling? Card 4: What should I spend less time on so I can evolve as a person? Card 5: What should I spend more time on to evolve as a person? Card 6: What should I remember to do so I can set myself up for the future? Card 7: What should I let go of to become my best self? Card 8: What does my future self want to give me credit for? Card 9: What do I have the potential to accomplish?

The Fool (0): You are about to start a new chapter of your life. The Magician (I): You have special gifts that set you apart from others. The High Priestess (II): You must follow your inner voice and instincts. The Empress (III): You radiate compassion, beauty, and love. The Emperor (IV): You are an authoritative figure that provides structure. The Pope (V): You are a spiritual leader who’s meant to teach others. The Lovers (VI): You need to give your relationships extra attention. The Chariot (VII): You have an upcoming victory to look forward to. Strength (VIII): You have the courage to handle anything Life throws at you. The Hermit (IX): You need some alone time to manifest success. The Wheel of Fortune (X): You’re about to learn a lesson about luck. Justice (XI): There is a consequence for every action you take. The Hanged Man (XII): Surrender to the Universe right now. Death (XIII): A chapter is about to close in your life. Temperance (XIV): Remain patient for your efforts to come to fruition. The Devil (XV): A series of temptations might test your will power. The Tower (XVI): You’ll face a difficulty, but you’ll push past it. The Star (XVII): The Universe is working in your favor, so have faith. The Moon (XVIII): You’re about to face what you’ve been running from. The Sun (XIX): You’re moving in the right direction, so stay hopeful. Judgment (XX): Reflect on your past choices to gain self-awareness. The World (XXI): You’re exactly where you’re meant to be right now.

Ace of Wands: It’s time to take a risk that will really pay off. Two of Wands: You may be holding yourself back due to cynicism. Three of Wands: Remain patient and optimistic right now. Four of Wands: Group up with others to pull off a big project. Five of Wands: Feel free to be incredibly ambitious and take-charge. Six of Wands: Your community respects all the ways that you serve it. Seven of Wands: Your gifts and talents are going to allow you to shine. Eight of Wands: Your circumstances are about to quickly change. Nine of Wands: You need some rest after all your hard work. Ten of Wands: Your task will require all your time and attention. Page of Wands: It’s okay to be independent and make your own rules. Knight of Wands: Overcome your self-doubt and take action right now. Princess of Wands: Tap into your spirituality when making a decision. Prince of Wands: Be bold when you enter a new business venture. Queen of Wands: Gather your crew and encourage teamwork. King of Wands: Use charisma and leadership to achieve what you want. Ace of Cups: Push yourself to see the positive parts of your relationships. Two of Cups: You will experience a soul connection with a friend or a lover. Three of Cups: You will enjoy really harmony and fun in your relationships. Four of Cups: You’re probably longing for a change right now. Five of Cups: You’ve been struggling with anger and trauma. Six of Cups: You’re about to connect with your inner child and celebrate life. Seven of Cups: It’s time to be hopeful and raise your standards. Eight of Cups: Be wary of those who might take advantage of you. Nine of Cups: You will receive many rewards for all your hard work. Ten of Cups: You and all your loved ones will experience safety and joy. Page of Cups: You’re very idealistic and would benefit from reason and logic. Princess of Cups: It’s fine to trust your gut and interpret your dreams. Prince of Cups: You’re doing a great job balancing feelings and logic. Knight of Cups: Forget your self-limiting beliefs and take a leap of faith. Queen of Cups: Be emotionally honest with yourself to find the truth you seek. King of Cups: People feel your passion and power when they see you. Ace of Swords: Keep focused on one goal at a time to see it through. Two of Swords: You’re faced with two options and need to make a decision. Three of Swords: You’re feeling hurt, disappointed, and possibly heartbroken. Four of Swords: You need some solitude so you can gather your thoughts. Five of Swords: You are walking away from a situation that didn’t serve you. Six of Swords: You’re transitioning and putting the past behind you. Seven of Swords: You need to use your wits instead of aggression to win. Eight of Swords: Avoid feeling powerless and instead realize you’re in control. Nine of Swords: You have some dark thoughts that are weighing you down. Ten of Swords: You’re about to face an inevitable end to a situation. Page of Swords: You’re full of passion and a desire to express yourself. Knight of Swords: You’re feeling particularly ambitious and driven right now. Princess of Swords: You’re about to make your ideas a reality very soon. Prince of Swords: If you concentrate and focus, you’ll achieve what you want. Queen of Swords: Your intellect and clarity is a gift that people appreciate. King of Swords: Your smarts and power help you achieve victory. Ace of Pentacles: You’re about to manifest what you wanted to attract. Two of Pentacles: You’re capable of juggling many responsibilities. Three of Pentacles: Your wisdom and experience will help with your goals. Four of Pentacles: You’ll generate wealth if you stay focused on your goals. Five of Pentacles: You’re experiencing a period of loss right now. Six of Pentacles: It’s important for you to both give and receive. Seven of Pentacles: Commit to your dreams in order to realize them. Eight of Pentacles: You are getting closer to mastering your skill sets. Nine of Pentacles: Be proud of what you’ve achieved in your career. Ten of Pentacles: Share your success with others and uplift them. Page of Pentacles: You’re tapping into your power to achieve your goal. Knight of Pentacles: It’s time to remain responsible to get what you want. Princess of Pentacles: Remain grounded during your creative endeavors. Prince of Pentacles: Work diligently and manage your time wisely. Queen of Pentacles: You’re bound to experience prosperity and security. King of Pentacles: You’re on a path toward wealth and material success.