Don’t let this scare you away from trying it, though. It’s a pretty simple technique to learn.

You don’t have to soak for long—10 minutes is enough to help you relax. But if you have time to indulge in a long soak, go for it!

Filing your nails into a soft oval can also help to keep them from being a little pointy or jagged.

Make sure you wash them after you massage yourself, too. It will help prevent the spread of germs.

The massage can also be done sitting on the toilet with your legs elevated. Any position that makes you feel comfortable is the right one for you. You can also use a hand mirror to help you see your vagina and place your hands in the proper position.

Remember to keep breathing deeply as you hold the position. This will help you to feel at ease. Consciously relax your muscles if you feel tense.

Repeat the massage for about 5-10 minutes total, taking breaks when you need to. It may take up to several weeks of this daily massage before you notice that your perineal area has more elasticity.

Be prepared for emotional reactions. Even if your trusted intimate partner is doing the massage, you may have feelings of awkwardness and modesty. This is perfectly natural. It’s okay to be nervous! Communicate with your partner. Let your partner know if you experience any discomfort, or if you want them to stop.

Do this for 1-2 minutes, or until both of you feel comfortable moving on.

Continue this motion for about 2-3 minutes. Let your partner know if it feels okay, or if you need more or less pressure. You can say, “That feels good,” or “A little less pressure, please. " Repeat the massage for 5-10 minutes total. You’ll notice the elasticity of the area improve over time. Try to perform the massage daily in the final 6 weeks leading up to your delivery. It might make your birth easier.