Only move onto more complex exercises once you feel confident doing the basic PC exercise. [8] X Expert Source Allison Romero, PT, DPTPelvic Health Specialist Expert Interview. 2 December 2020. Instead of a one or two second hold, try to clench your PC muscle for five to seven seconds. Instead of twenty reps, three times a day, trying shooting for 50 reps, three times a day. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll should learn how to clench your penis and anus sphincter muscle separately or at the same time.

Place a small towel over your erect penis and lift the towel up by squeezing the PC muscles. Hold for 2-5 seconds, relax, and repeat 30 times. Place your hand one or two inches above your erect penis. Clench your PC muscle to lift your erection up to your hand. Hold for 2-5 seconds, relax, and repeat 30 times. Place your hand one or two inches above your erect penis again. Clench your PC muscle to lift your erection up to your hand. This time, gently push your hand down while you lift your penis up, creating resistance. Hold for 2-5 seconds, relax, and repeat 30 times.

If you accidentally orgasm during this exercise, your PC muscles probably aren’t strong enough for advanced exercises yet. Focus on mastering the intermediate techniques before moving on to the advanced sets.

Do 50 PC clenches as a warm-up. Next, squeeze your PC muscle as tightly as you can, holding for 30 seconds. Next, perform 100 PC clenches without resting. Clench for two seconds, relax for two seconds, and so on. Next, try clenching your PC muscle as tightly as you can. Shoot for 1 minute of gut-wrenching clenching. Rest for two minutes. Next, do 50 5-second clenches where you slowly relax at the end. Your workout is finally finished!