However, if there is nothing you can do to counteract the danger, move the victim. The best way to move the victim is by placing a blanket or a coat underneath their back and pulling on the coat or blanket. If there is a chance the child has suffered a spinal injury, 2 people should move them to prevent any twisting of the head and neck. [2] X Research source If you don’t think you can get to the child without putting your own life in danger, call emergency services and wait for help.

Use the child’s name, if you know it. For example, say, “Kim, can you hear me? Are you okay?” If necessary, take measures to prevent or treat shock. The child may be in shock if you notice symptoms such as clammy skin, rapid breathing, or a grey or blue tint to their lips or fingernails. [4] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

To check the neck (carotid) pulse, feel for a pulse on the side of the victim’s neck closest to you by placing the tips of your first 2 fingers beside their Adam’s apple. Be aware that the Adam’s apple is usually not visible on a girl, and may not be very visible on a boy who has not yet gone through puberty. To check the wrist (radial) pulse, place your first 2 fingers on the thumb side of the victim’s wrist. Other pulse locations are the groin and ankle. To check the groin (femoral) pulse, press the tips of 2 fingers into the middle of the groin. To check the ankle (posterior tibial) pulse, place your first 2 fingers on the inside of the ankle.

If you hear occasional gasps, this still isn’t considered normal breathing. You’ll still need to perform CPR if the child is gasping for breath.

If the child has a pulse but is not breathing, only perform rescue breathing, not chest compressions. A human brain can typically go for around 4 minutes without oxygen before suffering permanent brain damage. If the brain goes without oxygen for between 4 and 6 minutes, the chances of brain damage rise. If the brain lacks oxygen for 6 to 8 minutes, brain damage is probable. If the brain is without oxygen for over 10 minutes, brain death is probable. [8] X Research source

If someone else is there, ask them to call emergency services or send them for help. If you are alone, do not call until you have completed 2 minutes of CPR. [10] X Research source Dial your local emergency number. Call 911 in North America, 000 in Australia, 111 in New Zealand, 112 by cell phone in the EU (including the UK) and 999 in the UK. If possible, send someone else to get an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) if there is one in the building or nearby.

Chest compressions, or hands-only CPR, is recommended if you have not been properly trained or are worried about performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a stranger. [11] X Trustworthy Source National Health Service (UK) Public healthcare system of the UK Go to source

Allow complete chest recoil after each compression. In other words, wait for the chest to expand completely before you push down again. [12] X Research source Minimize pauses in chest compression that occur when changing providers or preparing for a shock. Try to limit interruptions to less than 10 seconds. If there are 2 rescuers, each should complete a round of 15 compressions. If you’re doing rescue breaths as well as compressions, do 2 breaths for every 15 compressions instead of every 30 compressions.

Put your ear close to the victim’s mouth and nose and listen carefully for any signs of breathing. Watch for chest movement and feel for any breath on your cheek. [14] X Research source If there are no signs of breathing, place a CPR breathing barrier or rescue mask (if available) over the victim’s mouth.

If the breath goes in, you should see the chest slightly rise and also feel it go in. If the breath goes in, give a second rescue breath. If the breath does not go in, reposition the head and try again. [16] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source If it does not go in again, the victim may be choking. You’ll need to do more chest compressions in this case. Keep in mind abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver) should only be performed on someone who is conscious.

Don’t forget to call the emergency services after the first 2 minutes of CPR. After you call them, continue to administer CPR until they arrive. If you’re working with a second rescuer, cut the number of compressions per 2 breaths in half. That is, one of you should do 15 compressions, followed by 2 breaths, then the other person should perform another 15 compressions and 2 breaths.

If the victim begins breathing, gently maneuver them them into the recovery position.