Still your mind, hold the cards to your heart and ask the Angels to communicate clearly through the cards. When doing a Reading for yourself, simply ask your Angels to either answer your given question or to just tell you that which they want you to know by guiding you to choose the relevant cards. . When doing a Reading for someone else, dedicate the cards to whomever you are doing the Reading for. You will most likely find your own words, but you could try something simple such as “I dedicate these cards to ** (here you can also give their date of birth, location and any other details that you want to), please, Angels, help me to give them a true and accurate reading that will help and guide them in the best possible way that we can”. You can say this silently to yourself if you wish. Shuffle the Angel Cards until you feel guided to stop and then choose the first card that your instinct takes you to. You may like to choose just one card or continue to do a three card spread in the same way. Whatever feels right for you will be absolutely right with your Angels. Study the messages on each card. You may wish to absorb or pass on the exact wording that the creator of the cards has written for each card, or you may want to put your own interpretation into the meaning, depending on how confident you are. Please trust your intuition when reading your messages, your first instincts will invariably be the right ones. If the Reading is for someone else, ask them to do the same - trust their instincts when absorbing the messages you are passing to them.