Don’t do aerial cartwheels on a hard surface. Always do them either outside on the grass or inside on gymnastic mats. [3] X Research source Use a spotter who can catch you if you fall. Don’t attempt an aerial cartwheel if you are not already proficient in regular and one-handed cartwheel as well as in other advanced gymnastics moves. If you go into doing aerial cartwheels with no prior gymnastics experience, you run a high risk of getting hurt.

Once you master the aerial, you will be able to do it without running first. Running can make it easier to get the momentum you need as you are starting to learn.

If you are just beginning, your launching leg should be your dominant leg, which is generally stronger. Think of this as a wind up step which will help you generate the momentum you need for aerial.

Use your bottom leg to get the height you need. Push up off the ground with your foot. Remember, this isn’t like a normal cartwheel where you reach down. Instead, go for height to carry you through the aerial. [8] X Expert Source Rosalind LutskyFormer Gymnastics Coach Expert Interview. 30 December 2018.

If you feel like you’re going to fall on your head, put your hands down. It’s better to be safe than to risk getting hurt. Try to twist your torso so that it is pointed in the direction of travel, with your arms perpendicular from your torso. Keep looking forwards as you go through the aerial.

Touch down with your launching leg about a foot’s distance from your landing leg. Straighten up and use your hands to regain your balance if you need to. You’ve just finished your aerial!

A spotter can assist you by putting their right hand on your left hip when you are performing the aerial, and catch you when you are finished by putting their left hand on your right hip so you don’t lose balance. A spotter can also catch you if you can’t complete the aerial and topple over.

A regular cartwheel is the foundation for an aerial cartwheel, and if you don’t feel 100% comfortable doing it, you won’t be successful in learning an aerial cartwheel.

When you practice one-handed cartwheel, switch off between your right and left hands. This will prevent you from becoming dependent on one of your hands for the stunt.

This will stop you from using your hand as a crutch so that you get used to the feeling of moving upside down in the air without your hands supporting you.

Because dynamic stretches mimic the quick motions your body goes through as you do aerials or other tricks, doing these stretches before training minimizes the chance of pulling a muscle or hurting yourself. Examples of dynamic stretches include leg lifts and kicks, body twists and side bends.