The water diet is best for a short amount of time. It is safest when combined with a normal diet, and can be dangerous when combined with fasting. The water diet may not be safe for everyone. When doing a water fast, you risk symptoms of low blood sugar like dizziness and fatigue, not to mention constipation, dehydration, and an intolerance of cold temperatures. [2] X Research source If you know you struggle with low blood sugar, the water diet may not be for you. This diet tends to be a “yo-yo” diet, meaning that once you lose the weight, as soon as you go off of it, the weight comes back.

Weigh yourself. Once you see your current weight, you’ll be able to set accurate weight loss goals. Check your BMI (body mass index). BMI can tell you how healthy your weight to height ratio is. Someone who is 5’9” and weighs 150 pounds would do this math: [150 ÷ (65x65)] x 703 = 24. 96. This BMI of 24. 96 is in a normal weight range. [3] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source

Tell your doctor about your water diet plan so he can suggest safe dietary recommendations. Everyone has different physical requirements, and seeing a doctor will prevent you from unnecessarily harming yourself.

If you forget to drink water before meals–an inevitable occurrence since you are trying something new–don’t beat yourself up about it. Just try again at the next meal. You’ll get the hang of it. You should be urinating every couple hours under normal circumstances. If you go all day without having to use the restroom, you’re probably under drinking. [5] X Expert Source Adrienne Youdim, MDBoard Certified Internist Expert Interview. 11 September 2020.

Drink after meals. Contrary to rumors that drinking while eating is bad for you, drinking after eating actually aids in digestion and prevents constipation. [6] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source There is some interesting data suggesting that thirst and hunger cues can get mixed up. Sometimes what people perceive as hunger is just thirst, which can cause people to overeat when what they really need are fluids. [7] X Expert Source Adrienne Youdim, MDBoard Certified Internist Expert Interview. 11 September 2020. Drink after exercising. You need to replace fluids, even if you’re not noticeably thirsty. Athletes should drink about 1. 5-2. 5 cups of water beyond the recommended amount (half your body weight in ounces). [8] X Research source

Even though bottled water sales have surpassed those of coffee, milk, and juice, bottled water is terrible for the environment and some cities have started taxing it and removing it from their governments. [10] X Research source Tap water is just as safe to drink, it’s free, and does not harm the environment to consume. Home water filtration systems can sift out some things in tap water, like chlorine, but none of them can remove all water contaminants. Plus you have to maintain these systems or they will grow contaminants, defeating the purpose. [11] X Research source

You don’t have to purchase a water bottle, but you do need to keep up with how many ounces of water you’re drinking each day. Perhaps designate a cup at work and one at home and use those instead of a water bottle. When eating out, take advantage of the pre-meal drink order and ask for water. Make sure you sip your glass down two times before the meal is brought out.

Only exercise if you are also eating. Exercising while doing a water fast will deplete your metabolism even more, making you vulnerable to the effects of low blood sugar, which can be dangerous.

You have to estimate how much weight you will lose on the water diet in order to set a clear goal. For example, in the study we mentioned above, researchers found that subjects lost 15. 5 pounds over the course of 12 weeks when drinking 2 glasses of water before each meal.

Even if you have your fitness goals mapped out elsewhere, like on a piece of paper or on your phone, having a wall calendar posted keeps your goals visible. This is key when you’re standing in the kitchen and reaching for an unhealthy snack. If you find the water diet too extreme, you can always go back to simply responding to your body’s natural thirst cues to decide when to drink. [12] X Expert Source Adrienne Youdim, MDBoard Certified Internist Expert Interview. 11 September 2020.

Some people add the convenience of a fitness tracking bracelet so they don’t have to think entering data into a phone (such as the FitBIt). These bracelets can track your movement and measure your sleeping habits, among other things.

Record every bite you eat in a fitness app. It might surprise you how much you really eat in a day, and motivate you to eat less. If you forget to record anything, just go back and make your best guess. Even estimated data is better than no data when you’re trying to generate quantifiable results. Keep in mind that the reason the water diet is labeled “yo-yo” is because when you drink water instead of eating, your body tends to take nutrients from your muscles rather than fat. This depletes your metabolism, requiring you to maintain an extremely low calorie diet that isn’t sustainable in order to keep the weight off.