An instructor can teach you the best technique, ensuring that you learn how to back flip safely, using the correct form. You can find instructors with experience in back flips at gymnastics and cheerleading centers, or martial arts classes.

This will give you something soft to land on and potentially help you to avoid serious injury in case of a botched landing. You should also practice your back flip on ground that has a bit of give (like grass) as this will absorb some of the shock when you land.

This person can spot you, by placing one hand on your back and one hand on the back of your thighs, helping you to feel more secure as you flip. They can also be there just to watch you, encourage you and pick out any flaws in your form.

If it helps, you can roll down an incline mat (or slightly downhill) at first. This will help you to become comfortable with the rolling body movement and with being upside down.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to practice your jumping technique and improve your jumping height as much as possible. To begin with, just practice jumping straight off the ground. Bend your knees and swing your arms to build momentum and get as much lift as possible. Then, you can practice jumping onto different surfaces, such as a bed, a box or a counter top - anything as long as it’s above waist height. Jump onto the surface, landing in a sitting position, then (if you have space) tuck your knees and continue into a backward roll.

Use a chin-up bar with a height somewhere above your head, which you have to jump in order to reach. Jump and grab the bar, then tuck your knees as tightly to your chest as possible. Though it’s tempting, do not throw your head back If you want, continue all the way through your arms and land back on your feet. This is the movement you will be trying to replicate when you perform an actual back flip.

Use the trampolines at a trampoline center, where you have much more space and there are qualified instructors to help you. Backyard trampolines are too small and can be dangerous. First, practice flipping when you are at the height of a large bounce. The trampoline will propel you into the air, giving you more time to complete the back flip than you would when flipping from the ground. Next, try to practice your flip from a standing position on the trampoline. Once you’ve got that down, you’re ready to try a back flip from the ground. [4] X Research source

Remember to keep your back straight (so your body is perpendicular to the ground) and your eyes facing straight ahead. Standing on your toes will allow you to get more power in your jump and will also help you to achieve good form.

As you bend, swing your arms backwards as far as possible. Make sure they are straight.

Don’t throw your head and arms backwards - this is incorrect and could cause injury. Instead, point your hands straight up and focus your eyes straight ahead. You should also avoid arching your back, which needs to be as straight as possible. Contracting your stomach muscles helps.

So, when you reach the peak of your jump, draw your knees as close to your chest as possible and wrap your arms around them. The harder you tuck, the faster you will spin. At this point you need to really commit to the flip - you can’t panic or lose concentration - otherwise you might land on your head, which could result in serious injury. Note that your head should still be in a neutral position, in line with your spine. It should not be thrown back. [7] X Research source

You can do this by tilting your head back just far enough so you can see the ground. Try to pick out the exact spot you’ll land on, as this will help you to gauge when to come out of your tuck.

Be aware that landing from a back flip places the same amount of stress on your legs as jumping from a height of five feet. Therefore, you will need to land firmly to ensure that your legs don’t crumple beneath you. You can do this by tensing your muscles and squeezing your legs together. The landing can be a little tricky - so don’t worry if you land on your hands and knees the first couple of times. A good landing will come with practice.