If you’d feel more comfortable starting with a front flip, you can find more information on learning to front flip at: How to Do a Front Flip

You can think of the ideal speed as more of a jog at 30-40% speed. [7] X Research source

By making the final steps too high, you also prematurely transfer some of your forward momentum into downward momentum at the ground. [9] X Research source You want to maximize the forward movement in order to transfer the motion into your jump as efficiently as possible.

It doesn’t matter one way or the other whether you turn 90° to the left or to the right. You’ll most likely find it most comfortable to turn toward the same side you would for a cartwheel, and you’ll probably choose that direction almost instinctively. [11] X Research source You can find a visual tutorial on this exact moment at: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=RFTKeJi6D7k#t=229

Some people prefer to bring their leading arm (if you’re flipping right side first, then your right arm) all the way up so that their shoulder is nearly touching their head. [12] X Research source Others prefer to have both arms out in front of them rather than one above in order to swing both arms to help with rotation. [13] X Research source You may find one position works better for you than the other. For a visual representation of the arm movement, you can check: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=RFTKeJi6D7k#t=286

It can be tough to visualize, but if you’re moving left to right across this page, for instance, then your legs would land more like \. The reason for this is that as you land and punch, your body still carries forward momentum and your legs are closer to upright by the time you actually launch off the ground. If you land with your legs upright, then by the time you jump, your body is already leaning closer to //, which causes you to launch forward at a lower height, making it more difficult to tuck, rotate, and land before hitting the ground again. [15] X Research source If you’re having trouble visualizing this positioning, try looking at: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=RFTKeJi6D7k#t=382

You can easily practice your run up and punch without actually tucking and rotating when you leave the ground. Practice this maneuver until you feel as though you’re transferring most of the momentum into vertical height rather than continuing forward and out.

If upon practicing the side flip on mats, you determine that you have trouble with under-rotating, then you are likely throwing your arms and head/chest into the flip too late or with too little force. Try consciously starting your rotation the moment your toes leave the ground to get more rotation out of your time in the air.

In order to properly visualize this movement, you can check: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=XpMrFzb5rLM#t=59

By throwing your arms into the rotation in step 1, they will have moved from above you or in front of you to down closer to your legs. This makes it quite easy to grab your knees as you tuck them, which allows you to pull them in more tightly. [21] X Research source You want to grab just below the kneecaps because at the knee can force your leg out and lower on the shin will force your leg back in an awkward position that makes it harder to land. [22] X Research source The second leading reason for under-rotation is from not pulling in tightly enough. If you find you have too little time to tuck your legs, then make the effort to pull your legs in earlier; try to combine the effort of pulling your hips and bringing your legs up.

Some people may find it hard to land because they get disoriented as they flip around and try to spot the ground in such a quick movement. You may find it easier to lock your eyes at one spot ahead of you rather than trying to look down toward the ground[24] X Research source By locking your eyes on one object as you go around, you don’t have to spot the ground, simply extend your legs as the object returns to right-side up as your vision comes around.

If you find yourself over-rotating and stumbling forward as you land, then try extending your legs slightly earlier in the flip to slow your rotation sooner.

By landing with your feet shoulder-width apart, you both distribute the force and give yourself a sturdier center of gravity, meaning you’re less likely to lose your balance and fall down. You’ll likely find that you initially round off during the flip and land facing backward rather than sideways. [27] X Research source This is mostly from swinging your arms at an angle rather than directly into the side flip. It simply takes practice to correct.