Hand seals aid shinobi so they can focus on molding their chakra into the correct form that allows them to summon duplicates of themselves.

Typically, when you perform this hand seal, your right hand goes in front of your left hand, and the front of your right hand’s knuckles face your opponent. Naruto is an iconic shinobi who’s hailed for his ability to perform Shadow Clone jutsu with a single hand seal. Many shinobi use a series of hand seals—this tactic makes it easier for them to visualize how to mold, control, and transform their chakra into clones.

Focus on spinning the chakra in your body into a tight spiral: when it’s highly concentrated and collected in one place, it’ll be easier to tap into and channel. [5] X Research source If you need to create more chakra, mix your physical energy and spiritual energy together—this vital combination is called “stamina. " If you train your body before a battle, then all the clones you summon will have incredible brute force and won’t need to expend spiritual energy as they fight. [6] X Research source

If you’re a veteran shinobi with massive chakra reserves, shout “Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu!” to create over 300 clones at once. If you use Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu, you can train quickly and learn many new forms of martial arts since your clones can telepathically share their experiences with you. [8] X Research source Keep in mind that Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu is a “Kinjutsu”—forbidden technique—since it costs such a significant amount of chakra energy and can severely exhaust shinobi. [9] X Research source Naruto learned the powerful method of Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu after he got his hands on a forbidden scroll. [10] X Research source

The “Ram” is also known as the “Histuji” and is based on the zodiac sign, the Goat. It’s very common and is one of Naruto’s go-to hand seals.

The “Serpent” is also known as the “Mi” and is a favorite among powerful shinobi because it allows them to create their own signature jutsu (mystical skills and techniques). [12] X Research source

The “Tiger” is also known as the “Tora,” and it’s a hand seal that’s necessary for Fire and Earth releases. If you’d like to not only summon clones but also throw balls of fire or raise earth to create a protective wall, perfect your “Tiger. "

The “Rat,” or “Ne”: raise your left index and middle finger, then wrap your right fingers around them. Keep your left index finger relaxed. This also enables you to unlock the “Shadow Imitation Technique” so your shadow can move freely. The “Bird,” or “Tori”: Create a triangular arch by pressing the pinky and middle finger of your right hand against those of your left hand. Interlock your ring fingers and index fingers. Touch the tips of your thumbs together. This also helps with wind-based techniques. The “Boar,” or “I”: Form partial fists—to do so, curl up your fingers so your palms are exposed. Press your palms together and make sure to keep your forearms parallel to the ground. This is great for summoning jutsu and was a favorite of Jiyaiya, who loved to use it to conjure up toads. The “Inu,” or “Dog”: Just make a fist with your right hand and lay your left palm on top of it. This hand seal is preferred by water ninjas, like Kisame and Zabuza, because it activates Water Release techniques. The “Dragon” or “Tatsu”: Interlock your index, middle, and ring fingers. Cross your thumbs over each other and press the tips of your pinkies together. Keep your forearms parallel to the ground. This hand signal also allows you to create a dragon-shaped entity out of any element. The “Horse” or “Uma”: Make the tips of your index fingers touch so they create a triangular arch. Face your palms toward your torso. Curl your thumbs so their tips touch the bottom of your index fingers. Stack the knuckles of your other 3 fingers. This hand seal is also ideal for throwing fireballs or dispelling illusions. The “Monkey” or “Saru”: Hold out your left palm so it faces up. Place your right palm on top of it. Make sure your thumbs point in opposite directions. Slide your right pinky between your left thumb. The “Saru” is essential for channeling “Chidori,” a high concentration of lightning chakra. The “Ox” or “Ushi”: Stretch out all your fingers except your thumbs and cross them—make sure not to close them. Hold out your right hand horizontally and stretch out your left hand vertically. Lay your left ring and middle finger down so it touches the knuckles of your right right and middle finger. Keep your forearms parallel to the ground. This hand signal is mainly used for fire jutsu.

In due time and with enough practice, you may build up enough chakra energy to effortlessly perform Shadow Clone jutsu with a single hand seal. [15] X Research source

If you only have one arm or want to ignore one of your arms, you’ll have less physical energy. After all, physical energy comes from the cells within your body, and you’ll only be tapping into the cells from a single arm. [17] X Research source Cultivate your inner will and mental power so you can develop enough chakra control to summon with a hand seal that only uses one hand. Naruto mastered the one-armed hand seal when he injured one of his arms but still wanted to summon Shadow Clones.