In palm reading, the passive hand is said to display what you are born with, what your parents pass down. [2] X Research source {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/thumb/f/fd/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2. jpg”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/f/fd/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2. jpg/aid831655-v4-728px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet1-Version-2. jpg",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:334,“bigWidth”:728,“bigHeight”:529,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

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<br />\n</p></div>"} Alternatively, the active hand is supposed to show what you have done so far in your life. [3] X Research source {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/thumb/a/ab/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2. jpg”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/a/ab/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2. jpg/aid831655-v4-728px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-1Bullet2-Version-2. jpg",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:334,“bigWidth”:728,“bigHeight”:529,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

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<br />\n</p></div>"}

The heart line runs from between the index and middle finger to the edge of the palm. It mostly runs horizontal if you are looking at your own palm with fingers up, though it can curve. [5] X Research source The head line is the horizontal line that runs underneath the heart line. [6] X Research source The life line curves around the thumb pad, while if you have a fate line, it will jut out from the bottom of your palm up towards the middle finger. [7] X Research source To see the lines better, try cupping your hand slightly so you can see where it creases. [8] X Research source

For instance, some people have an intuition line that curves in from the middle outside of the palm and then back out at the bottom of the palm. [10] X Research source {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/thumb/5/59/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet1-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet1-Version-2. jpg”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/5/59/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet1-Version-2. jpg/aid831655-v4-728px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet1-Version-2. jpg",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:334,“bigWidth”:728,“bigHeight”:529,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

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<br />\n</p></div>"} Many people also have a bracelet line, where the hand meets the wrist. [11] X Research source {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/thumb/0/00/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet2-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet2-Version-2. jpg”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/0/00/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet2-Version-2. jpg/aid831655-v4-728px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet2-Version-2. jpg",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:334,“bigWidth”:728,“bigHeight”:529,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

License: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3. 0/">Creative Commons</a>

<br />\n</p></div>"} Others have the Girdle of Venus, which scoops down from the top of the palm and back up, all above the heart line. [12] X Research source A health line can run from the base of the pinky down towards the bottom middle of the base of the palm, while the children and relationship lines are small horizontal lines under the base of the pinky. [13] X Research source {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/thumb/e/e9/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet4-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet4-Version-2. jpg”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/e/e9/Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet4-Version-2. jpg/aid831655-v4-728px-Do-a-Modern-Palm-Reading-Step-3Bullet4-Version-2. jpg",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:334,“bigWidth”:728,“bigHeight”:529,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

License: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3. 0/">Creative Commons</a>

<br />\n</p></div>"}

If a person has a ring underneath the creases at the bottom of each finger, they take the name of the finger, such as the ring of Saturn. [15] X Research source These names can also be lent to lines that originate at the base of the finger, such as the Apollo line. It runs from the base of the ring finger down through the palm. [16] X Research source

If it’s straight and long, that means you’re happy with your love life. It also means you’re giving emotionally. “Long” means it starts underneath the index finger. [18] X Research source If it’s long and curved, that means you are emotionally open, and that you’re especially affectionate when that curve points towards the index finger. [19] X Research source If the line is straight and short, that means you’re not as tied down by romantic notions. “Short” means it starts near your middle finger or even further down your palm. [20] X Research source If it’s short and curves, that means you keep your emotions closer to the chest, preferring the company of a close group of friends to that of a large party. [21] X Research source

If you see a number or breaks a long this line, that could be an indication you need to take better care of yourself. In other words, you need to get more rest and look after your emotional and physical needs. [23] X Research source A short line (one that doesn’t go all the way to the bottom of your palm), means you like to distract yourself when tough times hit, while a longer line means you’re the person everyone else looks to for support. [24] X Research source

Pay attention to how the head and heart line interact. If they are pinched together, it can mean you are a bit more reserved and cautious. The more spread apart these two lines are at the beginning, the more adventurous you are. [26] X Research source If the line is straight, it says you’re more levelheaded, while if it curves, you’re more spontaneous. [27] X Research source If the line splits, that could mean you are more able to step into another person’s shoes than most people. [28] X Research source

You can actually have more than one relationship line, and those indicate any person you’re close to, not just a lover. If you are able to see them easily or they are especially long (past the pinky to the ring finger), that indicates someone who is able to commit. [32] X Research source The rings of the fingers each have a different meaning. For instance, the ring of Saturn (middle finger) indicates people who keep themselves away from others,[33] X Research source while the ring of Jupiter (index finger) is a highly intelligent person[34] X Research source and the ring of Apollo (ring finger) can mean you’re feeling blocked in a creative endeavor. [35] X Research source

If it rises about average, that means you are enjoying life, including the arts and other good things in life. [38] X Research source If it’s a little below average or nonexistent, that means you may be lonely or fall on hard times often. If it’s above average, it can mean you’re a bit gluttonous in how you approach life. [39] X Research source

If it is especially developed, you’re more likely to have a charmed life, as well as you’re likely to be very gregarious. [41] X Research source However, it can also go bad, as it can mean you’re aggressive and domineering. [42] X Research source If it’s average, it means you are meant to be a helper and do good in the world. [43] X Research source It can also mean you’re smart and are able to guide others. [44] X Research source If it’s less than average, that means you don’t have the best self-esteem. [45] X Research source

If it is particularly prominent, it can indicate that you put your foot down a bit too much and you tend to not trust others. [47] X Research source If it’s average, it shows your likable and capable of surviving on your own. [48] X Research source If it’s low, it can mean you don’t have a lot of depth and don’t spend enough time reflecting. [49] X Research source

If it’s high, you have a lot of pride, maybe too much, which can lead to you snapping at people. You enjoy charming other people, and you may enjoy spending money on yourself and others. [51] X Research source If it’s average, it can mean your less excitable, that you’re independent and have high self-esteem. You also like people. [52] X Research source If it’s low, it shows you are less creative than other people, which can lead to indecision. [53] X Research source

If it’s below average, you’re probably shy and not able to connect to many people, which can mean you won’t make as much money over your lifetime. [56] X Research source An average mount can mean that you are a versatile person who is empathetic to others. You find many things interesting. [57] X Research source A high mount shows someone who’s full of avarice and who is a bit too talkative. [58] X Research source

If it’s below average, you may still have a decent imagination, but you just don’t share it with others. [60] X Research source If it’s average, it shows it means you’re very imaginative without getting too crazy. [61] X Research source If it’s highly developed, it means you can let your creativity get a bit too crazy, and you can go off the deep end. [62] X Research source

For instance a straight head line and a long life line can indicate that you are levelheaded, which is what makes you so good in times of crisis.

For instance, if someone is feeling frustrated about a project and showing a ring of Apollo, you might suggest ways that person can open up to creativity. Since the ring of Apollo indicates a creative block, learning new ways to be creative can help the person move forward, a solution that can rely on psychology.

Holistic healing means looking at the whole person and offering solutions that work for them. For instance, you may look at how the health can affect a person’s mental state. As an example, if the person’s mount of Jupiter is low, suggesting that he or she doesn’t have great self-esteem, you could suggest a two-part approach that includes mind and body to boost self-esteem. For example, you could suggest an exercise program to help the person get in better shape and build confidence, along with a daily regimen of learning to talk positively to themselves so they build better self-esteem. [67] X Research source