If you’re doing a literature search for a class, you may have a broad topic to explore in that class. For example, it may be a literature course focusing on Shakespeare. The topic Shakespeare, however, is far too broad. You’ll have to find a field of literary theory, as well as a subject within Shakespeare, through which to explore the topic. For example, maybe you want to focus on the play Hamlet. You may want to look into the philosophies of relativism and existentialism in the play. Your topic could be something like, “relativism and existentialism in Hamlet” instead of just “Shakespeare. "

You’ll want to use as many different search words as possible to find an extensive list of sources. It can help to break down your topic and think of synonyms for each relevant word. For example, say your topic is, “Changing portrayals of women in independent film in American culture. " Keywords that pop out are “women,” “independent film,” and “American culture. " Think of synonyms for each these terms you can use to search. Synonyms for “American culture,” for example, may include things like “United States culture” or “US culture. " Synonyms for “independent film” could include something like, “mumblecore film” or “indie film. " You should also think about the kinds of topics that may be addressed within your topic. For example, you could search something like, “female archetypes” or “female tropes. " You could also search a particular trope or archetype that’s been critiqued by film critics. You may want to search for something like, “mother figure” or “manic pixie dream girl. "

You’ll need a combination of sources for any research project, so be open to a wide variety of material. Usually, for academic research, academic journals published through universities are a good place to start. There are general academic journals, and also journals specific to a single field. You should also be open to some less academic sources, if it feels appropriate. For example, topical articles on film written by journalists may help supplement academic research if your topic is women in independent film. This can help showcase how attitudes towards female characters are changing, and how the voices of critics shape the trajectory of the film industry.

Keep in mind that you will have to consult more sources than you will end up using. [2] X Research source For example, you may find around 40 good sources in a database search, but you may only be able to access 20 of those sources in the time frame you need. Then of those 20 sources, you may only find that 12 of them really suit your topic. Check with your instructor as well. Some college writing assignments will have a minimum source requirement. If the guidelines for your paper are unclear, then just ask.

Many online libraries have the advantage of pointing you to texts that exists in libraries outside of your region. Depending on library policy, you may be able to order these books from faraway libraries. In the event you cannot order a book from a remote library, see if you can take out an electronic copy from an online library or find the source at another nearby library.

Bring your list of keywords to an online library. You can enter your search terms into the computers at the library, which will link to an electronic card system that shows where you can find relevant resources in that location. You can ask a librarian for help. Librarians are valuable resources and may be able to offer you search tips that will be helpful to your research.

Instead of using a generic google search, use something like Google Scholar which will link you to academic citations. You may also be able to find databases online that contain many academic sources. Online databases like JSTOR and Academic One File, for example, can be good places. Keep in mind, however, you need a subscription for a lot of these types of sources. If you’re currently a student, you may have access through your college or university.

As you read, pay attention to the authors’ main ideas. Jot down the central themes of each work, as well as the evidence the author uses to support those themes. Look for any flaws in the work. Does the author seem to have any biases that are cropping up? Is the author examining the issue from every possible angle? If you notice any flaws, write them down. If you see a particular article or author mentioned across several works, you may want to read a bit by this author. When doing a literature search, you want to incorporate as many influential texts on the subject as possible.

Depending on the documentation style that the author used, the source may be provided within the text, at the bottom or the page, or at the end of the book or article. When you find a source you would like to use, take a moment to write down relevant information about the source, such as the author’s name, the title, and the date it was published. Keep in mind that it is important to locate the original text and read it yourself before you decide to quote it. Quoting a source within a source is not a good idea because you will not have the full context behind the information.

Follow the citation style recommended by your instructor or commonly used in your field. You’ll typically be using either MLA citations or APA citations. If you’re unsure how to cite a source, you can use resources like EasyBib to cite the source for you. However, you should double check when you’re done to make sure the source was cited corrected.

You could order the review in chronological order, placing the earliest sources first. This may be helpful if you’re tracking the history of a subject and how it’s changed over time. You could also organize the review by trend or topic. This is particularly helpful if you’re examining several schools of thought. Returning to the Shakespeare example, you could group writings on relativism in one section, writings on existentialism in another, and so on. For more scientific research, you could organize by method. This means splitting up sources by the methods in which research was conducted. For example, one section focuses on double-blind studies while the other focuses on blind studies.

Be careful not to use too many quotes. In literature searches, extensive quoting is uncommon. Make sure to use your own voice. You want to avoid sounding like you’re plagiarizing or imitating a source.

Explain how a source is important to the ideas you’re trying to express. You should not just summarize the sources. Synthesize them into your work as well. If one source is supplemental to another, link them in the review. For example, you may include a film review blasting the manic pixie dream girl trop. Explain how this review conveys an argument made in an academic paper about viewers craving more realistic female characters.

You can make sure to avoid bad sources by limiting searching to journal database, online libraries, and physical libraries. If you do use an online source, sources that end in . edu or . ac tend to be more academic in nature.