If you’re worried that you’ll accidentally pull the floss completely through the fabric, hold the underside in place until you make the knot.

Use the hand that’s not holding the needle to pinch the floss that’s coming away from the fabric so it’s taut. This will prevent the floss from getting tangled.

If you’d like a smaller knot, try wrapping the floss around the needle only 1 time. The more you wind the floss, the bigger the knot will be. To prevent the wrapped floss from sliding off, you can use your non-dominant hand to hold the working floss taut.

The floss will form a loop until you pull the needle completely through. Use your fingers to prevent the loop from tangling as you make the stitch. To avoid pulling the French knot through the fabric, pull the floss slowly and stop as soon as the knot forms.

For a fun way to embroider a word, trace the outline of the word on your fabric. Then, make lots of French knots around the border for each letter. Leave the actual word empty so the space is visible because it’s surrounded by French knots.

For example, to make a daisy, create white French knots that radiate out from a center point. Then, make a few yellow french knots in the center.

Try sewing constellations using French knots. To make brighter stars in the constellation, use 2 or 3 strands of thread instead of 1.

Consider switching the thread color to make your pattern stand out even more.

French knots are a great way to add interest to a crocheted baby blanket. You can make a pattern with the knots or use them to make a flower design.