Follow the stretching and strength training regimen outlined in this article. Do not attempt to do a split without any training or preparation.

Try to work through all of the stretches you’ve done in the previous weeks leading up to your Chinese split attempt. These are the muscle groups you will be using to do the actual split, so loosen your body the same way you’ve been training.

Stand with your feet greater than shoulder width apart. Bend down and put your hands on the ground. If you can’t get your hands to the ground, you need to work on stretching more. Shift your weight to your heels and rotate your toes and knees so that they’re facing up. Then gradually walk your feet out from under you. Keep your hands on the ground to maintain stability – you don’t want to go down too suddenly, or you could injure yourself. Stop and hold when you’ve reached your limit. Even if you don’t fully complete the split, try to hold the position to get your body conditioned.

Try to extend the duration of your splits each day. [8] X Research source Stay hydrated. Not drinking enough water can cause muscle cramps and may make you less flexible. [9] X Research source Reduce inflammation in your legs and hips to help increase flexibility. One way to do this is by taking Omega 3 fatty acid supplements. [10] X Research source

Being able to drop into a split will take some time and work - most people need over a month of consistent training and stretching to be capable of dropping into a split. [11] X Research source You will need to develop a consistent stretching and strength-training regimen before attempting to drop into a split.

Stand next to a table or chair that is about as tall as your waist. [14] X Research source Keep one foot planted on the ground and lift the leg closest to the chair or table. Position your raised leg on the top of the chair or table. [15] X Research source Repeat this test with your other leg to ensure both hips are adequately flexible. [16] X Research source If you cannot perform this stretch painlessly, you may be unable to do a split.

The general rule is that a warm up exercise should just make you break a light sweat. This usually translates to about 15 minutes of activity. [18] X Research source Some good workouts to try are a brisk walk, running in place for a few minutes, or doing jumping jacks.

Spend about 30 seconds on each muscle, and repeat the stretch two to six times per session. Try to practice your sessions every day, unless you’re sore or injured. [21] X Trustworthy Source American Heart Association Leading nonprofit that funds medical research and public education Go to source At a minimum, you should be practicing your sessions three to four times each week. [22] X Research source Keep your breathing under control. Quick breaths will cause your muscles to tense up. Learning how to breathe properly while you stretch can help you manage your range of motion. [23] X Research source Never use a bouncing motion while stretching. Bouncing does not increase flexibility and can even be dangerous because it puts too much stress on the joints. [24] X Research source Bouncing may have value for activities that require very quick bursts of motion, like sprinting, but since a split requires a sustained stretch, this technique will not be helpful. Go slowly with your stretches. Don’t try to stretch as far as you can right away. Ease into a stretch and repeat it several times to make sure your body is properly warmed up. [25] X Research source Never push your body past its limits. While some level of discomfort might arise from a deep stretch, it shouldn’t be painful. When a stretch hurts, you’ve gone far enough. Stop at this point to prevent injury.

Sit on the floor with your back straight. [26] X Research source Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together in front of you. [27] X Research source Slowly pull your heels in towards your groin. Try to get your heels as close to you as you comfortably can, and keep your hands gripping your ankles. [28] X Research source Gently flex your knees down until they are touching the floor, or as close to the floor as you can comfortably get them. You can use your elbows to push your knees downward. [29] X Research source While exhaling, bend forward at the waist, and try to get your chest as close to the floor as possible. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then release it. [30] X Research source

Begin by lying flat on your back. As you exhale, pull your knees up towards your stomach. [31] X Research source While holding the outsides of each foot in your hands, open your knees just past the width of your abdomen, and pull your knees towards your armpits. [32] X Research source Try to keep your shins perpendicular to the floor. Hold the position for as long as you comfortably can (around 10 to 30 seconds should be sufficient), then release the pose. [33] X Research source

Begin by entering a staff pose. Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs fully extended in front of you, with the insides of your feet touching. [34] X Research source Spread both legs outward. Try to form both legs into 90 degree angles with your hips. Slide your bottom slightly forward while keeping your legs spread to help push your legs as wide as you can comfortably spread them. [35] X Research source While keeping your knee caps pointed upward, stretch your hands forward between your legs as far as you can go without bending at the waist. [36] X Research source Hold the pose for around one minute, or as long as you comfortably can. Then release the pose. [37] X Research source

Stand up straight. If you’re a beginner or have trouble with balance, stand in front of a wall and place one hand on it for support. Lift one foot up behind you, grabbing it with your free hand. Pull it up until you feel a good stretch in your thigh. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds, or as long as you can comfortably hold it. Repeat this motion for the other leg.

Start in a downward facing dog position, with your hands and feet (or at least the balls of your feet) firmly planted on the floor. [40] X Research source While breathing out, bring your right foot forward between your hands. [41] X Research source While breathing in, straighten your torso into an upright position while lifting your arms over your head. You should be kneeling on your left knee with your arms and torso vertically straight. [42] X Research source Hold the pose for as long as you comfortably can, then return to downward facing dog. Repeat the pose on your right side. [43] X Research source

Start by entering the Hero pose. Kneel on the floor with your knees touching slightly and the tops of your feet flat against the floor. Slowly slide your feet apart until they extend out past your hips. [44] X Research source Lean back, first on your hands, and gradually stretching back so that your forearms and elbows are touching the floor behind you. [45] X Research source Slowly lower your back towards the floor behind you. If you cannot stretch backwards to the floor (which will take a lot of time and practice), you can stack cushions behind you to lay your back against. [46] X Research source Try to hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds, or as long as you comfortably can. [47] X Research source

Sit on the floor with your right leg extended in front of you. [49] X Research source Bend your right knee slightly and grab the ball of your foot with both hands. [50] X Research source Slowly pull back at the ball of your foot as far as you can. [51] X Research source Hold the position for about 20 seconds, then release the pose. Repeat for your left leg. [52] X Research source

Sit on the floor with your right leg extended in front of you. [53] X Research source Grab your right heel with both hands and slowly straighten your leg straight ahead of you. [54] X Research source Bend forward while exhaling, slowly bring your chest as close to your right knee as you can. Keep your leg extended straight ahead so that you feel the tension in the back of your leg. [55] X Research source Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds, then release the pose. Repeat for your left leg. [56] X Research source

Kneel on your left knee with your right leg straight ahead of you. Keep your right heel on the ground and the toes on your right foot pointed straight upward. [57] X Research source With your back as straight as possible, reach toward your toes, or as close to your toes as you can reach. [58] X Research source Hold the stretch for around 20 seconds, or as long as you comfortably can. Then release the pose, and repeat for your left leg. [59] X Research source

Unlike stretching, working out the muscles shouldn’t be done every day. Your body needs recovery time after working out. Aim to do these workouts three to four days a week, with rests in between.

Start with your legs slightly greater than shoulder width apart and your toes pointed out at a 45 degree angle. Bend your knees and squat down. Keep your back straight and make sure your knees don’t go past your toes. Aim to get your thighs and shins to form a 90 degree angle. Don’t go further than that or you could hurt your knees. Do two sets of 20 repetitions. When you get used to this motion and build some strength, you can hold dumbbells in each hand. Start with light weights and then gradually increase them.

Start out performing a traditional lunge. Put your right foot forward with your left leg behind you. [64] X Research source While lunging forward, twist your upper body to the right, toward your knee. Try to get your left elbow past your right thigh. [65] X Research source Switch sides, lunging with your left foot forward and your right leg behind you. [66] X Research source Change things up by twisting your upper body away from your knee. [67] X Research source Do ten repetitions on each side twisting towards your knee, and ten repetitions on each side twisting away from your knee. [68] X Research source

Start by standing with your knees and feet together, and your knees slightly bent. [71] X Research source Take a wide step to the right. Keep your toes pointed forward and lean into the stretch until your left leg is straight out to your side. [72] X Research source Return to your starting position. Then perform the same motion leaning to the left, with your right leg straightened outward. [73] X Research source Repeat the process, doing ten repetitions on each side. [74] X Research source