“I was a midfielder. What position did you play?” “Woah, I was at that Kendrick concert, too! What do you think about the new album?” “Anime looks really cool, but I’ve never really gotten into it. What am I doing wrong?” “I’m also a huge Harry Potter fan. I’m guessing you’re a Hufflepuff. How close am I?”

“Where can I get a puppy who looks at me like that?” “So you’re a yoga pro. Best class in the city?” If you’re feeling confident when she responds, follow up with, “Want to try their Saturday class together?” Try a best of/worst of approach: “Rapid fire questions. Best sushi. Go. ” or “Worst place to study. Go. ”

“Fill in the blank. Together we could be experts at…” “Fill in the blank. I’ve always wanted to try…” If you’re on a dating app, you could even try: “Ok, fill in the blank. My ideal first date would be. . . ”

“Cammie! I see you’re in Toronto right now. What have you done so far?” “How’d you learn to dance like that? I’m impressed. ” Pick two things she’s done and ask her which was more fun: “Beach day vs. night out?”

If she posts a photo in a coffee shop, say something like, “Do you go there a lot? I’ve been looking for a new coffee shop. ” If you live in the same city, try replying to her story with a recommendation like, “Woah! You’re in my neighborhood. You should check out Martin’s on Fourth. ”

“Sick kickflip. Please teach me how to do that. ” “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was following a professional photographer. ” “That post on sea otters is 10/10. Why are they so cute?” “You have excellent taste in memes. Where do you find those?” “You’ve got better dad jokes than most dads. Does that sense of humor run in the family?”

“I might be wrong, but you look like someone worth getting to know. ” She’ll likely ask “why?” “From your pics, I get the feeling you would’ve made a great super spy. ” “Finally, a profile I don’t find boring. ”

“Hey, it’s Jamie. I just had the craziest thing happen…” If she asks, “What?” You can either tell her something funny or go for a smooth, flirty approach like, “The girl I have a crush on just messaged me back!” “You were at Ryan’s party last night? You must’ve left before all that chaos…” “Oh, I’ve been to that stadium, too. I made the worst mistake there…”

“We both know Tory and James?! Were you at their New Year’s Party?” “We have like 30 mutual friends. How have we never met?” “Nikhil told me you were pretty cool. I wanted to see if he was right. ” “Cassie told me she had a friend who was a cute rugby player. Did she mean you?”

Pick a genuine post related to her interests. If she’s an engineer who’s really into technology, send her a post of a cool robot prototype. To tease her a little, tag her in a totally weird post. If you’re already friends and you know she’s a little clumsy, tag her in a post of a puppy trying to climb the stairs and say “Is this you?” Give her a compliment by tagging her in a post of someone famous or accomplished. If she’s into soccer, tag her in a post from a world class player and say, “Can I get your autograph before you get this famous?”

“Wanna rob a bank?” “Pretend you’re in the Lion King. What would you have done to save Mufasa?” “Okay, it’s the zombie apocalypse. What do you bring?”

Send “You have all the 🐨-ties I’m looking for. ” Use the classic line “How much does a polar 🐻‍ weigh? Enough to break the ❄️. ” Send an animal emoji (ex. 🐕) on its own line. Then, follow up with a message that says, “Baxter! Get back here. Sorry my dog gets out sometimes. Did he bother you?”[13] X Research source Say: “This is how I bet you spend your evenings. ” Then, send your choice of funny emojis that tell a story (ex. 💎🏎️💨🚓🚓). Avoid suggestive emojis unless that’s the vibe you want to send. Caption: “This is what a first date with me would look like. ” Then, tell the story of a hypothetical first date with you. For instance, 🎡🍦🎵😊.

For a safe choice, pick a funny animal GIF. To match her interests, reference a show, movie, or something she likes in the meme. For a bold choice, meme one of her posts with a funny caption. Avoid GIFs or memes that are mean, racist, sexist, etc.

“You look like you’d steal my favorite hoodie. ” “I get the feeling we could talk for hours. ” “Your profile just restored my faith in this app. ”

“Hey, I’d love to hear more about that. Want to discuss in person over drinks? Would Saturday or Sunday evening work better for you?” “Wanna grab coffee sometime? Friday or Saturday morning?” “Call me old fashioned, but I like to get to know people in person. Would you want to plan a beach picnic this weekend?” “You down to grab dinner together? How about Monday or Tuesday?” Being direct is the best way to quickly move from an offline to an online relationship. That way, you can see if you have that in-person chemistry.