If you’re unsure how deep a pool is, it’s best to avoid diving there. It can be hard to gauge a pool’s depth just by looking. Find a pool where the depth of the water is clearly marked. In many cases there will also be a sign posted that specifies diving is permitted there. [2] X Research source Avoid diving into lakes, ponds and other natural bodies of water unless the area is supervised and has been cleared for diving. The depth of the water in these natural places is very inconsistent, and there may be boulders hiding in the water that you can’t see from the shore. [3] X Research source

Jump into the water feet first, so you get used to the feeling of entering water from a height. Sometimes kids think that water is hard, so it can help to point out to them that it’s soft as you encourage them to splash around. Practice falling while you’re in the water. Stand up in the water and let yourself fall forward, then let yourself fall backward. See how the water “catches” you and prevents you from getting hurt.

You can practice the motion of diving on land as well. Find a grassy area or practice indoors on soft carpet. Get down on one knee and angle your arms and fingertips toward the ground. Roll forward so that your hands touch the ground, followed by your arms. Keep going until you’re flat on your belly. Remember to hold your hands flat and place one on top of the other, rather than clasping them. Tucking your chin into your chest is equally important. These actions help to streamline your body, making your entry into the water smoother.

As you enter the water, exhale, then hold your breath. You might accidentally inhale underwater if you feel startled, but once you get the hang of diving it’ll feel natural to hold your breath. [4] X Research source Practice diving from a crouch until you feel completely comfortable entering the water this way. Once it starts to feel easy and you’re ready to move on, you can dive from a standing position.

Consider having a spotter help you the first few times. The act of diving from a standing position can be a little intimidating, and it might help to know that someone else is there to help you. Have the person stand next to you and place one hand on your belly and the other on your back, so that he or she can guide you into the water. Once you can dive from a standing position without needing a spotter, you’re ready to advance to learning a proper dive using the correct form. Soon you’ll be leaping into the water without a second thought!

As you work on your diving form, try to start with your feet in the exact same place every time. If you dive off of a diving board you may want to mark the spot where your feet should go to help you practice. Once you’re comfortable diving from a stationary position, you can work up to doing a walking or running dive. This involves taking three or five steps forward, then leaping off of your lead foot into your dive.

As always, remember to keep your chin tucked down to your chest. If you do a walking or running dive, you’ll start with your arms at your side, but they should always end up in an upright position before you enter the water.

Remember to exhale as you enter the water and hold your breath while you’re in. You should be able to swim around for several seconds before needing to surface. Try walking or running into your dive if you want to dive further and faster. No matter how you start your dive, your body should always enter the water at the same angle and using the same basic form.

When you’re diving off of a starting block, it’s important to streamline your body so that you enter the water with as little splashing as possible. Keep your body in a straight line and point your toes. This will minimize the water’s drag on your body so you won’t lose precious seconds during the race.

Make sure the high dive is above very deep water, since you’ll be entering the water faster. The water should be at least 12 feet (3. 7 m) deep to be on the safe side. You can use the same basic diving form to dive off the high dive as you’d use any other time. The key is to enter the water at an angle that gives you a smooth entry. If you lay out too flat, you’ll end up doing a painful belly flop.

Start at the back of the diving board and take three to five steps. Three will give you plenty of momentum for a good hurdle, but you can take five if you have shorter legs or feel more comfortable taking more steps. On the last step, you should be near the end of the diving board. Lunge and jump, swinging your arms upward at the same time. Don’t jump off the diving board; jump straight into the air. Land on the diving board with your feet in position to dive and your arms over your head. Now you’re ready to jump off of the diving board and execute your dive.

Begins with a hurdle. Take three to five steps, lunge and jump, and land on the edge of the board with your arms over your head. Jump off and slightly away from the diving board. Raise your hips above shoulder level as you jump off the board. Reach your arms down toward your toes. Your body should look like and upside-down V. Straighten your body to complete the dive.