Lack of eye contact Spending more time alone Actively avoiding people at times Avoiding situations that require social interaction (e. g. school or parties) Social awkwardness Only feeling comfortable around a few people Not speaking much; quiet or withdrawn in social situations Isolation

Autistic people may also be nervous in social situations. This is usually because they have had bad experiences, such as misinterpretations and bullying. Autistics struggle to guess what others are thinking, which can be stressful, and may result in social mistakes. [4] X Research source People with social anxiety can read faces and body language just fine, but may experience cognitive distortions such as “She’s laughing because she thinks I’m a fool. “[5] X Trustworthy Source National Institute of Mental Health Informational website from U. S. government focused on the understanding and treatment of mental illness. Go to source If a person with social anxiety is in a situation where they feel comfortable, you’re going to see a reduction of symptoms. However, an autistic person will still have their unique habits regardless of whether they’re feeling anxious. [6] X Expert Source George Sachs, PsyDLicensed Psychologist Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.

Autistic people may have some concerns about socializing, but these are usually related to past mistreatment. For example, if bullies are stopped and the autistic person makes some good friends, the autistic person won’t be so nervous around those friends. Someone with social anxiety may experience physical symptoms of anxiety in social situations; they might feel tense, shaky, nauseous, sweaty, have trouble catching their breath, or feel their heart racing. [8] X Trustworthy Source National Institute of Mental Health Informational website from U. S. government focused on the understanding and treatment of mental illness. Go to source Children with social anxiety might throw tantrums when forced to face a social situation. [9] X Trustworthy Source Child Mind Institute Nonprofit organization providing evidence-based care for children with mental health and learning disorders and their families Go to source Autistic children are more likely to be distressed by unfamiliar people or situations, or sensory overload, which can result in meltdowns (which may look like tantrums) or shutdowns.

In a social situation, someone with social anxiety might have shaky hands, blush, not make eye contact, and stammer or stutter. Their mind may go blank, making it difficult for them to carry on a conversation. As a result, they may appear to have poor social skills, when the reality is that they’re anxious. [11] X Trustworthy Source National Institute of Mental Health Informational website from U. S. government focused on the understanding and treatment of mental illness. Go to source An autistic person may fidget in social situations. However, this is normal autistic body language, and it helps them be comfortable. They will do it when they are alone, too. Autistic people may have difficulty reading and using tone of voice or facial expressions, not recognize when someone is interested or disinterested, or talk too much or too little. [12] X Trustworthy Source National Institute of Mental Health Informational website from U. S. government focused on the understanding and treatment of mental illness. Go to source This is not present in social anxiety.

Atypical development: may hit milestones more slowly, more quickly, and/or out of order Stimming (unusual movements that stimulate the senses) Passionate special interests about a few select topic(s) Sensory issues (under- or over-sensitivity) Delayed, missing, or unusual social skills (e. g. not understanding figurative language or not using gestures when speaking) Speech or vocal quirks, like speaking in an unusual tone or echolalia (i. e. , repeating words or phrases) Difficulty developing independence skills, such as cooking or bathing Motor skills delays or difficulties Strong need for routine and familiarity Meltdowns and/or shutdowns when overwhelmed Unusual behavior during childhood (for example, they may not have responded to being comforted, didn’t use body language appropriately, or didn’t engage in visible imaginative play)

Social anxiety can develop at any age, but commonly starts during adolescence or young adulthood. It’s not as likely to develop in young children. [20] X Trustworthy Source Child Mind Institute Nonprofit organization providing evidence-based care for children with mental health and learning disorders and their families Go to source Autism is usually noticed in childhood, or during a stressful transition (such as moving house or starting college). Late-diagnosed autistics can look back and recognize signs they showed in childhood.

It is very common for autistic people experience one or more mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and others. If you suspect autism, don’t rule out anxiety.

An autism diagnosis can be hard to get, especially for adults, females, and people of color. Some autistics self-diagnose for this reason. Self-diagnosis grants you access to the Autistic community, but you can’t get accommodations without an official diagnosis. [24] X Research source

An autistic person may falsely test positive on a social anxiety screening, especially if they are asked questions like “I prefer to be alone” or “Social situations can be overwhelming. "