Studies suggest that the earlier a person with Alzheimer’s disease is treated with anti-dementia medications, the more likely the medication will be effective in slowing the progression of the disease. Either from denial, fear, or just lack of education, signs of Alzheimer’s are often “chalked up to getting old,” and the diagnosis isn’t made until much later. So, what are some differences between forgetfulness of normal aging and Alzheimer’s?

1. Retrieving Memories

In normal age-related memory loss, you may have trouble retrieving memories from long-term storage. This leads to trouble accessing information, such as remembering names. But these problems may be helped with aids, such as cueing and context.

2. Attention and Concentration

In normal age-related memory loss, you may have decreasing attention and concentration, but vocabulary and understanding of relationships between things don’t usually change with aging.

3. Recent Memory

In Alzheimer’s disease, there is an early and profound problem with recent memory that even cueing and context don’t help. So, if we ask you to remember three words, one of which is apple, and ask you in three minutes what the three words were, you might not remember apple even if we say, “One was a fruit.” In normal aging, you are likely to recall the word after a cue is provided.

4. Chronological and Source Memory

If you have Alzheimer’s disease, you may not remember the order of things (chronological memory) or who said what (source memory). You may have trouble finding common words (like watch or pen), and you may not even recall that conversations or events ever took place.

5. Repetitiveness and Intrusions

Other worrisome signs include being repetitive (and not just for emphasis) and not realizing you have a memory problem (lack of insight). There may be intrusions on your memory in Alzheimer’s. For example, if I ask you to draw a cube, in a few minutes you may think that I asked you to remember the word “cube.”

Summary of Differences Between Forgetfulness of Normal Aging and Alzheimer’s

Normal Aging

Memory improves with cueing and context Vocabulary and relationship understanding remains intact Able to remember the order of things and who said what Aware that a memory problem exists (subjective cognitive impairment) Functioning remains good despite forgetfulness Making a not-so-great decision occasionally Forgetting to make a monthly payment Being uncertain about what day it is but being able to recall it later Difficulty with newer or less familiar tasks, such as the settings on a new appliance Trouble finding a new place when driving

Alzheimer’s Disease

Recent memory poor, and cueing and context don’t help Can’t remember the order of things and who said what Repetitiveness becomes obvious; memory intrusions occur Unaware that a memory problem exists Day-to-day functioning declines along with memory Frequently demonstrating poor judgment and decision-making Not being able to handle paying bills regularly Often being disoriented to time and place Difficulty with familiar tasks, such as making coffee every day Getting lost on your way home from your daily job

When to See the Healthcare Provider

When memory problems look more like those listed above for Alzheimer’s, it is time to talk to your healthcare provider. Similarly, when problems involve dangerous behaviors (like wandering outside or leaving the stove on), significant changes in mood, and losses in abilities like dressing and personal hygiene, it is time to seek professional help. Even if the memory problems are minor, seeking reassurance from your healthcare provider may be the best thing you can do.

A Word From Verywell

It can be anxiety-provoking to consider Alzheimer’s or dementia as a cause of your memory loss, so understanding that minor memory problems may simply be a normal change as you age can be very reassuring. If you’re still uncertain about your cognitive changes, ask a loved one what they observe and schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider.